“I help you conserve the relationship with yourself and others through teachings, guidance and acceptance”

-Tammie L. Oram

Some of our greatest struggles in life are produced by how we perceive events and situations. My goal is to help you learn the necessary tools in order to navigate your thoughts, feelings and actions.


Experience My Holistic Approach


Individual Counselling

Each phase of life produces unique challenges, and my role is guide you through these thoughts and experiences so you can live your best life feeling equipped to navigate emotional obstacles as they come.


Retreats and Workshops

Want to see what exciting events are coming up in 2022?


Relationship coaching

New Program! Tammie has switched from couples counselling to Relationship Coaching. Foundations Program & Masters Program. Often times, problems within relationships stem from our needs not being met. Trained in Gottman Method, The 5 Love Languages and many more tools to help you uncover both your and your partners needs so you can gain clarity and strengthen your bond.


She’s Inspired

Want to join a women-only group which aims to promotes authentic growth, conscious living, and community building? You found it!

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Nutritional Therapy

”What exactly is nutritional therapy?” The basic philosophy of nutritional therapy is simple: Our body has the ability to thrive and heal, providing we give it the appropriate nutrients to do so.

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Reiki & Access Bar

Stress and anxiety can take a huge toll on our mental and physical health.

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique used to promote relaxation, help reduce stress, and even provide relief to various ailments.

Pilates Classes

Interested in taking Pilates classes?

I offer private and semi-private classes for both beginner and experienced clients.

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(250) 320 - 6018

Email: tammie@tammieoram.com


Feeling Overwhelmed?

The process of finding the right counsellor can be an exhausting experience. Be kind to yourself as you press into this journey. You’ve already taken the first step by starting your search… that’s a win! If you feel like we would be a good fit, send me a message. Let’s get started.